My Mobile Watchdog®
Announces Support for Motorola(R) Phones


eAgency Mobile Solutions, developer of My Mobile Watchdog®, the revolutionary child protection solution for monitoring and safeguarding kids’ cell phone activity, today announced support for six popular Motorola handsets, including the MOTORAZR™ V3m, MOTORAZR™ V3c, RAZR2™ V9m, MOTOKRZR™ K1m, MOTOSLVR™ L7c, and Motorola W385.

“We are pleased that support for these popular consumer handsets will expand My Mobile Watchdog’s protection capabilities to many more parents and children,” said Robert Lotter, Chief Executive Officer of eAgency. “With cell phone use among 8-to-14 year-olds increasing rapidly, parents need to diligently monitor their kids’ cell phone activities and protect them from predators, cyber bullies and other forms of harassment. All methods of communication available on the home PC are now available on cell phones, including email, photos and text messaging. Most parents are not aware that when you give a child a cell phone – it gives the world access to them.”

My Mobile Watchdog® allows parents to create an authorized contact list for their kids through an easy-to-use website. Once created, the list automatically replaces the address book on their child’s cell phone. Thereafter, any communication occurring outside the authorized list, both inbound and outbound, triggers an automatic alert to the parents’ phone(s) displaying the full message content. My Mobile Watchdog® maintains a perpetual log of kids’ cell phone activities, allowing parents to monitor ongoing communications.

My Mobile Watchdog® allows carriers to increase Average Revenue per User (ARPU) since a data plan is required for each monitored phone. My Mobile Watchdog® also alleviates parents’ concerns about phone usage because they are able to view all of their kids’ phone communications. With My Mobile Watchdog®, carriers can further differentiate their service offering with a child-safety solution that simultaneously enhances ARPU.

To learn more about My Mobile Watchdog®, experience it first hand at The Sands Convention Center during the Consumer Electronics Show, or visit the My Mobile Watchdog® website at It contains additional resources for parents as well as blogs for sharing information and experiences with other parents.

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